Covenant Apostolics of the Upstate
Welcome to the Covenant Apostolics of the Upstate!
We are a group of Bible believing Apostolic/Pentecostals. We hold that when the covenant was written anew within our hearts the day we received the Holy Ghost, the 4th commandment was not left out.
We keep the 7th day Sabbath (Saturday) and we still hold the Feast Days of the Lord given to Israel. We hold them, not exactly as the children of Israel, but in the prophetic sense of the returning Messiah!
Come along and join us on the next Sabbath at one of our 2 Upstate South Carolina locations!
Our Story
Our story begins in a time of confusion. Pastor Jason Utt and family were in search of a deeper walk with God that lead them away from traditional christianity and even away from the main stream of the Apostolic/Pentecostal movement.